
波波小说>美国z处 > 第17部分(第1页)


他脱口而出:“You know what? I’m still a virgin!”(“你知道吗?我至今还是个童男子呢!”

李雁南大吃一惊,也把尿筋闪了:“A virgin! Gosh! Are you kidding?”(“童男子!天哪!你搞笑吧你?”)

罗伯特严肃地:“I swear!”(“我发誓!”)

李雁南大笑:“Aha—! Me too!”(“啊哈!我也是童子呢!”)

罗伯特郁闷地喃喃自语:“Believe it or not!”(“信不信由你!”)


罗伯特纳闷地问:“What’re you murmuring?”(“你嘀咕什么呢?”)

李雁南拉上拉链,洗了手,握着罗伯特的手使劲地、大弧度地摇摇,感叹地说:“I really never thought of that! You’ve suffered from too much!”(“我真是没想到呀!——你受苦了!”)

罗伯特一副悲壮和骄傲的模样。回到座位上,吃喝了一阵,李雁南问:“Robert; I have a doubt。”(“罗伯特,我有一个疑问。”)


李雁南问:“Why don’t you choose a well…educated girl with good English to be your girlfriend?At least you can municate freely。”(“你为什么不找一个懂英语的、受过良好教育的女孩做你的女朋友?至少,这样你们交流起来不成问题。”)

罗伯特说:“I’ve told you education is something of a consideration but not the most important factor。 I believe each coin has two sides。 For instance; while education civilizes us it pollutes us with selfishness; hypocrisy; snobbery; it also makes us calculating and impassive。”(“我说过教育在一定程度上可以考虑,但不是最重要的。我坚持认为每一件事情都有它的两面性,比如,教育在开化人们的同时也用自私、虚伪、势利污染了我们,还让我们精于算计,冷漠茫然。”)

李雁南问:“I wonder if you tried。”(“我想你是否试过。”)

罗伯特说:“Honestly; I tried a few girls in America and in Japan。 Can you imagine a girl; especially a well…educated girl,telling you she loves you after the first date with you and then sleeping with you after the second date? A Beijing girl visited me without invitation; drank with me all night and took a shower in my bathroom。 It’s rarely heard of in America。 I’m so shocked!These kinds of girls really get on my nerves! You know they’re Asian girls but much more open than American girls。 They deprived me of the excitement of dating before I even got started。 It’s terrible!”(“坦率地说,我在美国和日本尝试过几个。你能够设想一下吗,一个女孩,特别是一个有良好教育的女孩仅仅在第一次和你约会后就告诉你她爱你,在第二次和你约会后就和你上床?在北京,有个女孩,我还没有邀请她就跑到我宿舍,还和我通宵饮酒,在我的洗手间淋浴。这在美国都罕见!我惊呆了!实在让我恼火!你知道他们都是东方女孩,居然远比美国女孩开放!我还没有开始呢,她们就投怀送抱,完全剥夺了我追求的快乐,这太可怕了!”)

李雁南嘲笑地看着他问:“But can you resist the temptation?”(“但是你能够抵御那样的诱惑吗?”)

罗伯特说:“Sure! I’m a Christian。”(“当然,我是基督徒。”)

李雁南赞同道:“Right; they’re unreliable! It’s probably due to the educational byproducts you mentioned。 I’ve told you I guess they love your country more than they love you。 You know a mon thief always smiles to you before he gets your purse。 But a well…educated thief in no way wants your purse;he wants you to be his purse instead。”(“对,她们是靠不住的。这就可能是你所说的教育的副产品吧。我已经告诉你,我猜她们爱你的国家胜过爱你本人。你知道一个普通的小偷在偷走你的钱包之前总是对你微笑,而一个受过良好教育的小偷却绝对不会只要你的钱包,而是把你这个人本身变成他的钱包。”)

书包 网 。 想看书来


罗伯特哈哈大笑:“Ah! Sounds good! I believe that。”(“呵呵!有道理,我相信如此。”)


李雁南忽然神秘地对罗伯特说:“I believe that girl is also a virgin。”(“我认为那个女孩也是个处。”)

罗伯特低声问:“How do you know that?”(“你怎么知道?”)

李雁南:“Instinct! Her eyes and behavior told me。 That’s impossible to pretend。”(“直觉!她的眼睛和举止告诉了我,处女的眼神装是装不出来的。”)

罗伯特欣慰地说:“Thank you! I think so。”(“谢谢!我也这么认为。”)

李雁南举起酒杯,说:“So—congratulations! You’re really a perfect couple。 ”(“那么,祝贺了!你们真是绝配呀!”)

罗伯特很有成就感的样子,感谢道:“Thank you very much!”(“非常感谢!”)


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