
波波小说>美国z处 > 第16部分(第1页)



罗伯特一脸惊讶和真诚的样子说:“Why? I won’t bother her; I just want to municate and bee friends with her。”(“为什么?我不会打扰她,我想和她交流,和她交朋友。”)

李雁南揶揄道:“Do you mean a software engineer from America municates with a Chinese waitress from the countryside? It’s ridiculous!”(“你的意思是说,一个来自美国的软件工程师和一个来自中国农村的女服务员交流,做朋友? 太可笑了!”)


罗伯特紧张地对李雁南说:“Look at me! Please!”(“请看着我!”)

李雁南笑着摇头道:“You’re not only a donkey but also a coward。”(“你不但是蠢驴还是胆小鬼!”)

罗伯特说:“I’ll let you know what I am but tell me why we can’t bee friends。 Please!”(“我将会让你知道我是什么,但现在请告诉我,为什么我们不能做朋友。”)


李雁南喝了一口,说:“I think you might as well be from Mars as far as she’s concerned; you know what I mean?”(“我认为对于她而言,你就像火星人那么遥远,你明白我的意思吗?”)

罗伯特笑:“Really? Why?”(“是吗?为什么?”)

李雁南说:“Well; you’re a mystery for her just like she’s an enigma for you。”(“对于她而言,你也是个谜,就像她对于你一样。”)

罗伯特承认后又抱怨:“Yes; we’re mysterious to each other but she shows no interest in me at all。”(“是的,我们相互都是谜,但她对我却一点也不感兴趣。”)

李雁南说:“Because she never expects much to e of it。 She won’t waste her time even if you’re willing to waste yours。 So; let her go; please!”(“因为她从来没有对自己寄望太高——尽管你愿意浪费你的时间,她却不想浪费时间。所以,你放过她吧,我求你了!”)

罗伯特不满地说:“Why do you insist I’m wasting time?Why should I give up? I’m not a coward。 You know we Americans always say‘I failed but at least I tried。’I think it’s worth a shot at least。”(“你怎么就认定我是在浪费时间呢?为什么我要放弃,我可不是孬种!你知道我们美国人有句口头禅,就是‘尽管我失败了,但我尽力了。’我觉得至少值得一试。”)

李雁南淡淡地说:“But this is China; not America。”(“但这里是中国,不是美国。”)


李雁南说:“Ok; since you told me an American saying; Id like to tell you a famous Chinese proverb。 Its actually more of a rule in Chinese marriage; really: Bride and groom should be well…matched in social; economic status and education background nowadays I might add。”(“好吧。既然你告诉了我一句美国名言,我也告诉你一句中国名言,确切地说应该是在婚姻上的一个规则,就是:新娘和新郎应该门当户对,比如,社会地位、经济地位,而今眼目下,我还得增加一个:教育背景。”)

罗伯特不屑一顾地说:“It’s absolutely absurd and silly! It’s a hierarchy; just like Indian caste system。 It’s a shame! ”(“这简直荒唐透顶,愚不可及!就像印度的种姓制度。这是个耻辱!”)

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李雁南突然激动起来,连珠炮似地说:“Ok; Mr。 Robert; let me explain it to as best I can。 How well do you know her? How much have you known China’s countryside? There’re lots of country girls like her in big cities but they’re just transient occupants。 For them cities are merely places to do the inferior jobs city people refuse to do even if the money they earn is negligible pared to what the city people make。 They can rarely enjoy a meal like we’re doing now even if they work in the restaurant。 They pass by the theatre every day but rarely see a film with their friends because two tickets are probably as expensive as half of their salary。 They have to work hard jobs for their hospitalized parents or to put their younger sisters and brothers in school。 They’re anxiously waiting for their support in their remote and rural hometown!… Maybe she’s struggling for her dowry。 Staying in town or marrying a Beijing citizen is no more than a daydream for them; to say nothing of marrying a foreigner like you。 She has no time; no energy and no money to unlock your enigma even if she has interest in you。”(“好吧,罗伯特先生,让我尽我所能给你解释这一切吧!你对她了解多少?你对中国农村了解多少?在城市中有无数个像她一样来自农村的女孩,但她们只是匆匆的城市过客。城市对于她们而言只是从事那些被城市人厌弃的工作的地方,尽管她们所挣的钱对于城里人而言微不足道;尽管她们在酒楼工作,她们不可能享受一顿像我们今天这样的晚餐;尽管她们天天路过电影院,她们不可能和她们的朋友去享受一场电影,因为两张票就有可能花掉她们的半月薪水。为了在病床上的父母,为了失学的弟妹,她们不得不在这个城市里从事着繁重的工作。她们远在穷乡僻壤的亲人,正在眼巴巴地等待着她们的汇款……也许她们正在为自己的嫁妆而奋斗。留在城市或者嫁一个北京人对于她们而言简直就是白日梦,更何况你这样的外国人。即使她对你有兴趣,她也没时间,没精力,没钱来破解你这个密码!”)

罗伯特又难受又激动地打暂停手势:“Hang on! Mr。 Li!”(“请停一下,李先生!”)

李雁南打断他:“You know everything has its cost。 The cost of poverty is to sacrifice all to make a hand…to…mouth living; not to entertain the so…called elite。 So you shouldn’t underestimate the cost of poverty。 It’s inhumane and shameful!”(“你知道任何事都是有成本的!穷人的成本是为了勉强糊口付出一切,而不是为了供那些所谓的精英们来开心!你不应该低估贫穷的成本,那是不人道的,可耻的!”)

罗伯特打断李雁南,面红耳赤地说:“Hang on……! Wait! I protest! No wonder you’re a cynic! You’re looking down upon and insulting me! First; yes; I know she’s from the country and doesn’t have a good education。 She doesn’t know we’re arguing about her even though she’s standing right next to us。 I know she’s doing lowly work and earns little money and I know she isn’t sociable。 But none of these is her fault; rather; it’s society’s fault。 Society deprived her of these things during her childhood。 It just proves her innocence。 Second; she’s in the lower class; but she’s a diligent; happy; cute; decent and noble girl in my mind。 Third; we Americans; or I at least; never judge people according to their background; their jobs or their status。 On the contrary; we treasure their personalities; their virtues and their behavior。 Education is to some extent important but it’s not the only thing that matters。 Lastly; status can be changed by struggle because everyone has his potential。 When my father met my mother in Chicago the first time; my mother was poor too。 But my father didn’t care。 And now; guess what; my mother is more successful than my father。 You know the only problem for that girl is the opportunity。 I tend to look on the bright side of things。 It’s just a matter of time! So I don’t worry about these things at all。 It’s Chinese philosophy; not mine!”(“等等!等等!我抗议! 你不愧为一个犬儒主义者!你瞧不起我,侮辱我!首先,不错,我知道她来自农村,没有良好的教育——即使她就站在我们身边,她一点也不知道我们正在为她而争吵;我知道她干着很低端的工作,拿着少得可怜的工资;我知道她拙于社交。但这一切都不是她的错和耻辱而是社会的,因为在她还未成年时就被剥夺了机会。——这恰恰证明了她的无辜。其次,尽管她处于这个社会的低层,但在我心目中,她勤奋,快乐,聪明,可爱,庄重而又高贵。第三,我们美国人,至少对我而言,从来不根据人们的背景、工作和社会地位来评判他们,我们看重的是他们的个性、德行和行为。当然,在一定程度上,教育也很重要,但不是惟一的。最后,人的处境是可以通过奋斗来改变的。每个人都有自己的潜力。当年我父亲在芝加哥遇到我母亲的时候,我母亲也很穷,但我父亲并不在乎这些。现在,你猜怎么样?我母亲比我父亲还成功。你知道对于那个女孩而言,她惟一缺少的只是机会。我习惯于看到事情的光明面,这只是个时间问题,所以我不在乎她的一切,这是中国式的哲学,不是我的。”)



李雁南目瞪口呆,他首先是惊叹于软件工程师的逻辑思维能力,有论点,有论证,有例子,有反证,一环扣一环,无懈可击,一气呵成。其次,这个傻乎乎的匠人居然还有些朴素的人文主义观念。李雁南赞叹着说:“My God! I met a priest today!”(“主啊!今天我遇到牧师了!”)

罗伯特严肃地说:“I’m Robert; not a priest!”(“我是罗伯特,我不是牧师!”)

李雁南笑着说:“Cheers for your wonderful preaching!”(“为你精彩的布道干杯!”)

罗伯特端起酒杯申明:“It’s not a prayer; it’s the truth!”(“这不是布道而是事实!”)



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