
波波小说>我的名字叫红百科 > 第71部分(第1页)


I  do  so  with  the  utmost  humility。  For  there’s  also  the  issue  of  style。  It  has

always caused me great pain that I’m belittled in the Glorious Koran。 But this

pain is my way of life。 This is simply the way it is。

It’s true; God created man before the eyes of us angels。 Then He wanted us

to prostrate ourselves before this creation。 Yes; it happened the way it’s written

in  “The  Heights”  chapter:  While  all  the  other  angels  bowed  before  man;  I

refused。 I reminded all that Adam was made from mud; whereas I was created

from fire; a superior element as all of you are familiar。 So I didn’t bow before

man。 And God found my behavior; well; “proud。”

“Lower yourself from these heavens;” He said。 “It’s beyond the likes of you

to scheme for greatness here。”

“Permit me to live until Judgment Day;” I said; “until the dead arise。”

He granted His permission。 I promised that during this entire time I would

tempt the descendents of Adam; who’d been the cause of my punishment; and

He said He’d send to Hell those I’d successfully corrupted。 I don’t have to tell

you  that  we’ve  each  remained  true  to  his  word。  I  have  nothing  more  to  say

about the matter。

As some will claim; at that time Almighty God and I made a pact。 According

to them; I was helping to test the Almighty’s subjects by attempting to destroy

their faith: The good; possessed of sound judgment; would not be led astray;


while the evil; giving into their carnal desires; would sin; to later fill the depths

of Hell。 Therefore; portant: If all men went to Heaven;

no  one  would  ever  be  frightened;  and  the  world  and  its  governments  could

never function on virtue alone; for in our world evil is as necessary as virtue

and sin as necessary as rectitude。 Given that I am to thank for the genesis of

Allah’s worldly order—with His permission no less (why else would He allow

me to live until Judgment Day?)—to be branded “evil” and never be granted

my due is my hidden troment。 Men like the mystic Mansur; the wool carder;

or the famous Imam Gazzali’s younger brother Ahmet Gazzali; have taken this

line of reasoning so far as to conclude in their writings that if the sins I caused

are actually mitted through God’s permission and will; then they are what

God  desires;  furthermore;  they  maintain  that  good  and  evil  do  not  exist

because everything emerges from God; and even I am a part of Him。

Some of these mindless men have quite appropriately been burned to death

with their books。 Of course; good and evil do exist; and the responsibility for

drawing a line between the two falls to each of us。 I am not Allah; God forbid;

and  I  was  not  the  one  who  planted  such  absurdities  into  the  heads  of  these

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