
波波小说>gossir girl > 第14部分(第1页)


but soon they may be walking down the red carpet at the Oscars。?

Vanessa adjusted the focus to capture the faint line drawings more clearly。

?And so we see now even more clearly how the designer Bailey Winter?s creative process works。

It begins with some…thing as simple as the color of plumage。 After some pencil sketches and a few

martinis 。 。 。? She trailed off; because really; she had no idea how to describe dresses or fashion or

if chiffon was really the name of a fabric。 Maybe it was a dessert? ?The only thing I cannot show

you is that which exists only inside the designer?s mind。 That?s the true creative process。?Or the

true drunken process。 She turned the camera on the army of not…quite…empty wineglasses。

?Oh。 My。 God。?

Vanessa whirled around; instinctively hiding the camera behind her back as she did。


?Whatare you doing in here?? Bailey slammed the glass door behind him to keep any of his

precious birds from escaping into the garden。?Vanessa;Vanessa;?he clucked;sounding exactly like

a chicken。 ?The aviary is strictly off…limits。 This is where I e to think and be inspired! You?ll

disturb the balance of creative energy simply by being in here!?

Of course! The energy balance!

?Please; dear; just back away a little。 Not the drawings。 No one can see them until I?m done with

the preliminary sketches。?

?Sorry。? Vanessa lamely backed away; trying to look repentant。 An aquamarine…speckled

parakeet squawked past her ear violently。 ?I guess I was just making myself at home。 You know;

like you?d suggested。?

?Well; there?s being a good guest and then there?s just plain intruding。? Bailey frowned; hugging

his papers to his chest and shielding them from Vanessa?s view。 ?You may go any…where in the

pound you likeexcept for the aviary。 This is my sacred space; dear。 I?m spiritually naked when

I step past those doors。?

Well; as long as heliterally keeps his clothes on 。 。 。

?I?ll be more careful in the future;? Vanessa promised him; backing away slowly; still keeping

the camera out of sight behind her back。

?Yes; yes; I know you will;? Bailey replied; placing his papers back on the desk; but shielding

them with his chubby; outstretched arms。 ?All is forgiven。?

?Okay; well; I?ll just be going then。? Vanessa turned quickly and started to bolt from the room。

?Eeeeeeek!? Bailey?s screech drove the birds into a frenzy。 Suddenly; hundreds of scared

starlings dashed for safety; darting up toward the ceiling as far as their crippled wings would take


?Yes?? Vanessa asked; still lamely trying to hide the camera with her hands。

?I…I…Is that a 。 。 。camera ??

Brilliant observation。

?Bailey; let me explain。? Vanessa?s felt her face flush。 ?I was just hoping; I mean; I was only

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