
波波小说>我的名字叫红怎么说 > 第61部分(第1页)


moment。 I felt no pain; I was simply terrified。

Just as I decided from the silver coin in my pocket that they weren’t going

to kill me; they suddenly released me。 They removed the viselike contraption

that  had  actually  done  little  damage  to  my  head。  The  executioner  who’d

pinned me down stood up without even a hint of apology。 I donned my shirt

and vest。

There passed a very long silence。

At  the  other  end  of  the  room;  I  saw  Head  Illuminator  Osman  Effendi。  I

went to him and kissed his hand。

“Don’t  be  concerned;  my  child;”  he  said  to  me。  “They  were  just  testing



I knew at once that I’d found a new father to replace Enishte; may he rest

in peace。

“Our  Sultan  has  ordered  that  you  not  be  tortured  at  this  time;”  said  the

mander。  “He  deemed  it  appropriate  for  you  to  help  Head  Illuminator

Master Osman find the rogue who’s been killing His miniaturists and the loyal

servants  preparing  His  manuscripts。  You  have  three  days  in  which  to

interrogate  the  miniaturists;  scrutinize  the  illuminated  pages  they’ve  made

and find the sly culprit。 The Sovereign is quite appalled by the rumors being

spread   by   mischief   makers   about   His   miniaturists   and   illuminated

manuscripts。 Both the Head Treasurer Haz?m Agha and I will help you find this

scoundrel; as the Sultan has decreed。 One of you has been very close to Enishte

Effendi; and has thus heard his recitations and knows about the miniaturists

who visited him at night and the story behind the book。 The other is a great

master who takes pride in knowing all the miniaturists of the workshop like

the back of his hand。 Within three days; if you fail to produce that swine along

with the missing page he stole—about which much gossip is flying—it is Our

Just  Sultan’s  express  desire  that  you;  my  child  Black  Effendi;  be  the  first  to

undergo torture and interrogation。 Afterward; let there be no doubt; each of

the other master miniaturists will have his turn。”

I  could  detect  no  secret  gestures  or  signs  between  these  two  old  friends;

who’d   worked   together   for   years:   Head   Treasurer   Haz?m   Agha;   who

missioned  the  work;  and  Head  Illuminator  Master  Osman  Effendi;  who

received the funds and materials through him from the treasury。

“Everyone  knows;  whenever  a  crime  is  mitted  within  Our  Sultan’s

wards; regiments and divisions; that the entire group is considered guilty until

one among them is identified and turned in。 A section that fails to name the

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