
波波小说>我的名字叫红怎么说 > 第53部分(第1页)


and that he was now mocking us; perhaps。 This Hasan was the Devil incarnate。

But I couldn’t be certain of anything。

“Listen to me; Hasan Effendi;” Black called out to the darkness。 “My father…

in…law  was  murdered;  this  much  is  true。  The  most  despicable  of  men  killed


“He’d been murdered before the wedding; isn’t that so?” said Hasan。 “You

two killed him because he opposed this marriage sham; this fake divorce; the

false witnesses and all your deceits。 If he’d considered Black to be appropriate;

he’d have given his daughter to him years ago。”

Having lived for years with my late husband; with us; Hasan knew our past

as  well  as  we  ourselves  did。  And  with  the  passion  of  a  spurned  lover;  he

remembered every last detail of everything I’d discussed with my husband at

home;  but  had  subsequently  forgotten;  or  now  wanted  to  forget。  Over  the

years; we’d shared so many memories—he; his brother and I—that I worried

how strange; new and distant Black would seem to me if Hasan were to begin

recounting the past。

“We suspect that you were the one who killed him;” Black said。


“On the contrary; you were the ones who killed him so you could marry。

This is evident。 As for me; I have no motive。”

“You  killed  him  so  we  wouldn’t  get  married;”  said  Black。  “When  you

learned that he’d permitted Shekure’s divorce and our marriage; you lost your

mind。 Besides; you were furious with Enishte Effendi because he’d encouraged

Shekure to return home to live with him。 You wanted revenge。 As long as he

remained alive; you knew you’d never get your hands on Shekure。”

“Be done with your stalling;” Hasan said decisively。 “I refuse to listen to this

prattle。 It’s very cold here。 I froze out here trying to get your attention with

the rocks—didn’t you hear them?”

“Black had lost himself in my father’s illustrations;” I said。

Had I done wrong in saying this?

Hasan spoke in precisely the same false tone that I sometimes resorted to

with Black: “Shekure; as you are my brother’s wife; your best course of action

is to return now with your children to the house of the hero spahi cavalryman

to whom you’re still wed according to the Koran。”

“I refuse;” I said; as if hissing into the heart of the night。 “I refuse; Hasan。


“Then; my responsibility and devotion to my brother forces me to alert the

judge  first  thing  tomorrow  morning  of  what  I’ve  heard  here。  Otherwise;

they’ll call me to account。”

“They’re  going  to  call  you  to  account  anyway;”  said  Black。  “The  moment

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