
波波小说>我的名字叫红怎么说 > 第10部分(第1页)


and Shirin fall in love。 One day Shirin embarks on a countryside outing with


her  ladies  of  the  court;  when  she  sees  a  picture  of  Hüsrev  that  Shapur  has

secretly  hung  from  the  branch  of  one  of  the  trees  beneath  which  the  outing

party has stopped to rest。 Beholding this picture of the handsome Hüsrev in

that  beautiful  garden;  Shirin  is  stricken  by  love。  Many  paintings  depict  this

moment—or “scene” as the miniaturists would have it—consisting of Shirin’s

look  of  adoration  and  bewilderment  as  she  gazes  upon  the  image  of  Hüsrev。

While  Black  was  working  with  my  father;  he’d  seen  this  picture  many  times

and  had  twice  made  exact  copies  by  eyeing  the  original  as  he  painted。  After

falling in love with me; he made a copy for himself。 But this time in place of

Hüsrev  and  Shirin;  he  portrayed  himself  and  me;  Black  and  Shekure。  If  it

weren’t for the captions beneath the figures; only I would’ve known who the

man and maiden in the picture were; because sometimes when we were joking

around; he’d depict us in the same manner and color: I all in blue; he all in

red。  And  if  this  weren’t  indication  enough;  he’d  also  written  our  names

beneath the figures。 He’d left the painting where I would find it and run off。

He watched me to see what my reaction to his position would be。

I  was  well  aware  that  I  wouldn’t  be  able  to  love  him  like  a  Shirin;  so  I

feigned ignorance。 On the evening of that summer’s day when Black gave me

his  painting;  during  which  we’d  tried  to  cool  ourselves  with  sour…cherry

sherbets  made  with  ice  said  to  have  been  brought  all  the  way  from  snow…

capped Mount Ulu; I told my father that he’d made a declaration of love。 At

that  time;  Black  had  just  graduated  from  the  religious  school。  He  taught  in

remote neighborhoods and; more out of my father’s insistence than his own

desire;  Black  was  attempting  to  obtain  the  patronage  of  the  powerful  and

esteemed  Naim  Pasha。  But  according  to  my  father;  Black  didn’t  yet  have  his

wits  about  him。  My  father;  who’d  taken  great  pains  to  win  Black  a  place  in

Naim  Pasha’s  circle;  at  least  as  a  clerk  to  begin;  plained  that  he  wasn’t

doing  much  to  further  his  own  cause;  in  other  words;  Black  was  being  an

ignoramus。  And  that  very  night  in  reference  to  Black  and  me;  my  father

declared; “I think he’s set his sights very high; this impoverished nephew;” and

without regard for my mother’s presence; he added; “he’s smarter than we’d


I remember with misery what my father did in the following days; how I

kept my distance from Black and how he ceased to visit our house; but I won’t

explain all of this for fear that you’ll dislike my father and me。 I swear to you;

we had no other choice。 You know how in such situations reasonable people

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