
波波小说>那些大道理说了我们明明都懂 > 第17部分(第1页)


e me 4。2 out of the full score of 5 for the services I provided。

Im interested in Ciba for two reasons。 The first reason is that I look forward to joining a big international pany。 The second reason is that I feel I meet your requirements。 Although Ive never worked in fine chemistry panies; the two…year experience in a pharmaceutical pany has made me a qualified customer service representative who can meet the high standards。 I believe you know that the pharmaceutical business usually has very strict requirements and high standards。 In addition; I am sure I can learn how to use Oracle ERP in a short time; as I am very familiar with Hejia ERP; which is quite similar; and I use the English version at my present job。 Thats about all。

3。 面向外国面试官, 应聘技术支持工作的自我介绍


面试地点: IBM

目标职位: 技术支持工程师

面试类型: 与外国面试官的一对一面试

申请人概况: 中山大学本科应届毕业生, 女


My name is Zhao Wanjun。 Wanjun is my given name。 Wan means sweet and Jun means person; so my name means a sweet…tempered girl。 I actually am! But you can call me June; for your convenience; j…u…n…e; its similar to my Chinese name Jun。 I am from Enping; a small city in the southwest of Guangdong Province; near HongKong and Macao。 Maybe you have never been there before; its well known for the hot springs there。


In 2003; I got the highest score in the College Entrance Examinations in my city and entered Zhongshan University。 My major is puter Science。 My GPA ranks in the top 40% among all students; but I have stronger C++ programming skills than many others。 Also; I was the first one to learn Java in my class。

I was chosen by a teacher of mine to participate in his project。 The project was about a LAN chat room; and I developed the instant messaging system in it。 I was the only female student in this project team。

Besides study and the project; I worked in the Student Union for two years; first year as a member; next year promoted to be the General Secretary。 My colleagues describe me as a reliable and considerate person。

IBM is top on my job hunting list for of the reasons you hear every day。 I look forward to joining a famous pany as it means good training; good pay; and good people to work with; just like you gentlemen! (点评: 有互动。)

Technical Support Engineer is my ideal job because I have both a technical background and the ability to deal with clients。 Also; traveling isn’t a problem although I am a woman。 (备注: 如果面对老外面试官, 则不谈性别。如果和中国面试官用英文面试, 则可以谈论性别差异。此乃文化差异。) I am quite an athlete; you see; Ive been jogging in the morning for over two years! Thats all of my self introduction; thank you!

4。 面向外国面试官, 应聘销售助理的自我介绍


面试地点: 耐克中国体育用品有限公司

目标职位: 销售助理

面试类型: 与外国面试官的一对一面试

申请人概况: 国际关系学院国际政治专业毕业生


My English name is Tracy; I chose this name because it sounds like my Chinese name Cuixian; Cuixian; very difficult to pronounce; hehe。 (点评: 大多数外国面试官都对中国人姓名的发音颇感兴趣, 所以可以顺便略带夸张地演示一下自己名字的汉语发音。)

I was born and grew up in a large family in the city of Jilin。 Im afraid you may have never been there as Jilin is not well…known。 When you look at the map Jilin is about at the〃roosters eye〃; you know China looks like a rooster on the map; hehe。 Its a very cold place; so I prefer to work in Beijing。 (点评: 考虑到外国面试官很可能不熟悉中国地理的情况, 以“公鸡”地图的感觉来说自己的家乡, 的确非常生动。)

I graduated from the Institute of International Relations。 You may know little about this school because its one of the smallest universities in China。 There were only about 800 students in the whole school when I studied there。 But its one of the top universities in Beijing。 (点评: 在介绍自己教育背景的时候, 反复提到you, 使面试官感觉到双向的交流互动, 而不是一味地自我陈述。)

My major is also a bit strange; International Politics。 I dont know about you; but I am not at all interested in Politics。 So I spent more time studying English than Politics。 As a result; you can see on my resume that I passed the College English Test Band Six with a very high score。 (点评: 介绍自己的教育背景的目的, 是为了突出自己的某种技能。所以, 不能仅仅说出自己的专业是什么, 而是要说出自己的“一技之长”是什么。)


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