
波波小说>rekindled翻译成英语 > 第12部分(第1页)


spill cleanups; no amount of training is ever enough。 I would guess the

present phase will take another few months at least。〃

Chloe contemplated those ing few months。 Unthinkingly; she glanced

toward the door。

Lee headed that way。 〃I can take the hint; pretty lady。〃 His hand was on

the knob before she could call him back。 〃Anything else can wait。 Have

fun!〃 He left with a wink。

〃Lee! Wait…〃

But one dark head was replaced by another。 〃At last;〃 Ross said and

closed the office door。 〃Alone at last。〃

Chloe forced herself to sit back slowly。 〃I hadnt realized you would

hang around all morning。 I hope you werent bored。〃

〃Actually〃…he circled her desk to plant himself on the corner nearest

her…〃I went over some papers of my own。 Im a good loser; for a

morning。〃 He cocked his head toward the door。 〃Ready to go?〃

〃Go? Where?〃

〃Oh〃…he looked out the window in amusement…〃I thought you could show me

around town。 Im a stranger to these parts。〃

Judging from the confidence he exuded; it was a wonder that any parts

were strange to him。 Chloe couldnt ignore the thread of excitement that

he had brought with him into the room。 Indifference; she reminded

herself。 But it was a tough order。

Standing quickly; she tried to remedy the situation。 〃I wish I could

help; but I still have…〃 A strong arm caught her waist。 Before she could

say another word; she was imprisoned between his thighs。

〃All work and no play…〃

〃Makes a successful scientist。〃

〃And a very dull woman。〃

She frowned; unwittingly taking his bait。 〃Do you think my work is

dull?〃 Her disappointment was genuine。 So was the devastatingly handsome

smile that spread across his face。 The hands that were looped loosely

behind her; now brought her closer。

〃Nothing about you is dull;〃 he said; 〃except your determination to hold

me at arms length。〃

Arms length was a lot farther than where she was now。 Well within the

circle of his arms; with her hands braced at the point where his jeans

met his hips; she was under his spell。

Ross lowered his head and kissed her; tasting the sweetness of her

mouth; and it struck her that she might well have been too successful at

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